As a real estate agent, feng shui and space clearing professional, I have been in hundreds of homesand buildings. Most real estate agents can identify and “feel” when a house is feeling uncomfortable and “heavy” I have been called in countless times to “unblock” or cleanse a home so that it may be more comfortable for the residents or to prepare it to sell. There are many considerations when diagnosing the unseen or energetic life of a home. Let’s uncover some of the common dynamics of a “spirited home”.
Do you believe in Haunted Houses?
As it is October, and it is a time of Halloween, we felt it was an appropriate time to open up this topic. Wikipedia describes a haunted house as “A haunted house is a house or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirit of the deceased who may have been former residents or were familiar with the property.” These spirits are often stuck due to traumatic events such as suicide or murder, or unresolved issues.
From my own personal experience and teachings, the definition has validity. Trauma creates the template that can hold a spirit into a space. The land, violent events, grief, unresolved issues, heartbreak – there are many stories that unfold when consulting and healing a space.
Here is a check list: Haunted or Not Haunted?
- Odd Electrical Activity: Lights going on and off, television, radio and other appliances
- Door bell ringing, knocking and no one at the door
- Noises when no one is there: knocks, footsteps, scratching
- Things moved: furniture/ chairs out of place, doors and cabinets opening, closing
- Disappearing Objects: Items disappearing and then reappearing without explanation. They could be gone for days, weeks, but they were left in an obvious place and now gone.
- Being Watched: that very knowing feeling that someone is watching you
- Shadows: seeing a shape of shadow out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes while sleeping waking to see a shadow/blurry image next to you at bedside. Some have reported spirits sitting on the bed next to them
- Being touched: feeling someone touch your shoulder, hair, brush by you, or push you
- Unusual smells: unexplained scents – cooking smells, floral scents, perfumes
- Animals acting odd – Dogs and cats are very aware of spirits. Dogs may bark or not go into a certain room
- Sounds: Voices – sounds of light conversation, muffled, whispering, crying can be heard. Music can also be heard without explanation.
- Temperature changes – a cold area of the home is a sign of haunting
- Water Issues: water can hold psychic and emotional memory. If a home has a lot of floods, issues with pipes, etc. suspect that something is energetically out of balance
- Cold or hot spots – cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence
- Seeing a spirit – Children will often be able to see spirits when an adult may not
- Physical Symbol: handprints, footprints, unexplained writing on walls
- Flying Objects – Not a UFO, but having doors slam shut, plates or objects fly across a room, pictures fall off a wall, etc. There was an old mansion in New Jersey that was known as being haunted by a small boy. The mansion was converted into a restaurant and soon abandoned, as the chefs and kitchen staff all quit when knives and plates began flying around the kitchen. Today, this is a veterinary clinic, and the young boy enjoys the animals, and except for one room that is ice cold, the house has been much more peaceful
- Physical Attack – unexplained scratches or bite marks appearing on a resident. Getting pushed or shoved.
How did you do?
If you feel your home is haunted, or you are interested in learning more, stay in touch with us at the Conscious Design Institute for classes and articles on spirits and other energies that will influence our spaces and properties. We offer professional training in space clearing/blessings.
If you would like to share your stories on this topic, send an email to us at
Renae Jensen is founder of Conscious Design Institute and Magazine. She is a trained Feng Shui and Space Clearing Professional and a real estate agent in New Jersey.