Monthly Energy Trends

In accordance with the solar based Hsia Calendar: The Fire Rabbit Month begins March 5th, 2024 at 10:22 AM 

The Rabbit is the 4th earth branch of the Asian Zodiac and also represents the 3rd month of the Gregorian Calendar. The Fire Rabbit is 4th in the cycle of 60.

Diversity is one of Nature’s ways of assuring growth and evolution in its constructs, systems and organisms. This is accomplished through natural selection and through beneficial symbiosis. One is based on competitive aspects the other on cooperative sharing of resources.

The Fire Rabbit is a huge supporter of diversity especially when differing feature behave in a supportive and cooperative manner in service of the greater good.

The Fire Rabbit Month

Sadly, this is not always the case in humans. Since Homo Sapiens emerged in the natural order, they tended to regard persons that differed from themselves as “the others” and often considered them to be enemies to be feared and worthy of contempt. This has very likely been rooted in perceived threats to their survival; some valid some not.

As communication has expanded globally through technology and humans became aware of many more diverging groups the “fear of others pattern of behavior” has also expanded. With the advent of the internet this has been further exacerbated. Even worse the number of individuals who intentionally stir up divisions through the internet and social media, has greatly increased. This is often accomplished through the spread of damaging misinformation.

I many ways this is counter to the goals of the natural order. The natural order finds ways to balance the supportive and competitive dynamics to result in ongoing improvements in all aspects.

Fire Rabbit Energy is outgoing, friendly and promotes excellent personal interactions. It supports positive interactions and getting along with others through discretion, diplomacy and a better understanding of human nature; especially those who differ from ourselves. Rabbit times are excellent for settling arguments and resolving differences.
Much can be accomplished during Fire Rabbit times through intentional actions and steadfastness as long as there is a willingness to tolerate adversity and avoid excessive moodiness or depression, when things go wrong. This is aided by heightened intuition and psychic abilities that are enhanced during Rabbit times. Rabbit times begs the question “why can’t we all just get along”. Rabbit times offer opportunities to right some wrongs that have taken place over thousands of years of human evolution.

As a side bar, Fire Rabbit times are especially beneficial for children and can be a wonderful time to schedule any activities that involve kids and their families, especially one that offer positive “teachable moments”.

Fire Rabbits should not be underestimated for their seemingly calm appearance and peaceful demeanor. When they appear still, they are conserving energy. This enables them to spring into action at a moment’s notice when it’s needed. When they do, they can become rapidly animated and there is little they cannot accomplish; a good lesson we can learn from this furry friend.

The Fire Rabbit Month

Four Pillars for the Month

The Fire Rabbit Month

The prospects this month are mixed:

Dragon in both the Year and Day pillars emphasizes the qualities of the Dragon Year. Everything can feel bigger, bolder and perhaps a bit dramatic. This can also result in the usually gentle nature of Rabbit times becoming highly energized. Having Dragons in both the Year and Hour Pillars creates a synergistic relationship between inner and outer realms. We can more easily integrate conscious and subconscious activity; although it can also indicate some possible challenges.

Dragon and Dragon – are sometimes referred to as “face yourself” times. Much can be gained from honest introspection and a willingness to address patterns that do not serve the self or the greater good.

Dragon and Snake – can indicate an irritation caused by differences in their natural predilections; one being forceful and impulsive the other more subtle and wisdom based. Dragon and Snake can also me a marker for loneliness. This can be overcome by paying attention to important relationships and by making a concerted effort to interact with supportive friends, family and acquaintances.

Rabbit and Snake also point to a potential for loneliness. Here a balance needs to be struck between intellectual pursuits that seek higher wisdom and normal day to day interactions. Also recommended is engaging in situations where we feel seen, heard and loved.

Important to note: Rabbit is an Empty Branch in this chart. Its presence in the Month Pillar indicates possible challenges related to familial relationships. Such conflicts should be resolved as peacefully as possible. This can be done with the aid of Rabbit diplomacy. There can also be some feelings of victimhood. These can be avoided by considering that they may be originating within the self and not necessarily from an external source, as it may seem

The Element Balance This Month:

Wood 43 % – Power – Power can manifest as Aggressive Power (power over) or Proper Power (power from within). When it manifests as aggressive power there can be frustration from a sense of being controlled or failing to control something external. When it manifests as Proper Power, we are connected with our own essential life force as well as the energy of all there is. Power is Aggressive Power in this chart. A caution to not get caught up in situations that are out of personal control that can lead to frustration.

Fire 28% – Resource – Represents support received from people, situations and the universe. There is a substantial amount of support of all kinds available this month.

Earth 23% – Day Element – The defining element in the chart. This is a balanced Earth chart. Earth provides the necessary grounding to focus on the work to be done. Earth is also the element of transformation and supports the labor of manifesting needed changes.

Water 4% – Wealth – Represents our rewards in life. We are rewarded for good deeds towards others, for the benefit of the greater good and especially by engaging in needed selfcare. Some of this may come in financial rewards, other times it manifests in a more esoteric form. Rewards this month may not be representative of the effort you put in. Let your actions and good work be their own rewards.

Metal 2% – Expression – Represents our creativity and how we put ourselves out
 in the world. Expression is grounded and mellow this month. Creative urges may be enhanced but you may not have the opportunities to full express them outwardly.

The Uniter’s Song

by Yasha Jampolsky

Gentle in manner and fiery in spirit
I gather people and lead them up, up, up
to their highest self 
No not to the mountain top 
But to that place inside where the heart lives
That place where all things are possible.
See beneath the external and notice the true essence!
We are all made of the same stardust
We can strive to transmute differences to pure love! 
I Am Mao the Rabbit

The Fire Rabbit Month

We live in a world of diversity. A world of diverse ideas, diverse opinions, diverse traditions, diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, diverse sexual and familial preferences, diverse views on gender identity, diverse environments and much more. When approaching diversity, we have a choice. We can experience differences as threats to be attacked and overcome or we can appreciate the many benefits that diversity brings.

Diversity is the gift that keeps on giving.

It strengthens the herd and enables physical, emotional mental and spiritual growth as well as greater resistance to diseases. Unimpeded it offers us many more life choices. Fully understood and engaged it offers a pathway to our true and essential selves.
 The message of greatest importance this month is to develop a positive relationship with the work that needs to be done to engage diversity in the most beneficial way. This can be very personal and take the form of inner work that leads to needed healing or growth; or it can be taking on the tasks of daily life with an improved attitude towards “others” and self; or it can involve work of social importance that can change the world. Whatever the case the work should done in a spirit of joy and enthusiasm, taking pleasure in the journey as much as in the anticipated outcome. Get it right and you will be rewarded with a month of upliftment; and you may even contribute to the greater good!

A Four Pillars Astrology Life Reading is a healing experience and offers many benefits:

  • A fresh perspective and clear insights on the most important aspects of your life.
  • A map to better understanding your important relationships.
  • A blueprint for manifesting a more satisfying, fulfilling life.
  • And much more.

Get a fresh and more energized start to your New Year with a Four Pillars Life Reading. I always love hearing from you. Reach out for more details or to share any thoughts about my articles: 
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The Fire Rabbit Month

YASHA JAMPOLSKY – Is a Four Pillars Astrology expert, educator and consultant practicing in the New York City area and offering worldwide Four Pillars Astrology Life Readings through teleconferencing, as well as ongoing Transpersonal Energy Healing therapy an Past trauma Coaching life coaching programs and educational classes.
(Four Pillar Astroloy-AKA Ziping Astrology, Batzhi)

He has appeared on national Radio and Television and has been a contributing writer for local and national publications. His innovative approach has made Four Pillars Astrology accessible to many more interested clients and students. During his five year directorship of one of the foremost Feng Shui Schools in the Northeast, he authored the first English language Feng Shui Glossary.