Meeting the Dragon
So, we enter the year of the Dragon and many will have already felt the change in energy and noticed the rise in Dragon awareness and mythology. Many too [...]
Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space
Sandy Humby2024-02-07T20:29:38-05:00February 4th, 2024|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
So, we enter the year of the Dragon and many will have already felt the change in energy and noticed the rise in Dragon awareness and mythology. Many too [...]
Renae Jensen2023-07-04T20:38:28-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Feng Shui, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The first Saturday of May is World Labyrinth Day. All around the world, people celebrate the labyrinth by “Walking as One at 1”. The is a celebration of unity and peace united [...]
Richard Creightmore2023-07-04T20:37:46-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The term Geopathic Stress is used to describe negative energies, also known as ‘harmful earth rays’, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-31T20:40:13-05:00December 31st, 2022|Categories: Feng Shui, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Feng Shui, Sacred Geometry|
A multi dimensional multi disciplined approach that fuses the material with the spiritual Ronit Lev-Bik an Israeli artist, who now resides in Connecticut, has made it her life’s work [...]
Delia2022-12-15T19:02:53-05:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Sacred Geometry|
"Always the battle of the Spiritual Warrior is with the self." Ralph Blum (The Book of Runes) From 1983 to 2018, I shared a way of living with people [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T19:05:53-05:00May 31st, 2022|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Architecture, Sacred Geometry|
One of my most treasured travels was a tour of New Mexico, lead by my dear friends Sam Tso, Navajo Medicine Man and June Crane, world renowned intuitive and [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T20:14:35-05:00March 31st, 2022|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Green Design, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Architecture, Green Design, Sacred Geometry|
Geodesic Dome These attractive and low maintenance homes are gaining popularity around the world. From 1970, Monolithic Domes can be found in every American state and in Canada, Mexico, [...]
France Garrido2022-12-15T20:23:58-05:00November 2nd, 2021|Categories: Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Sacred Geometry|
“The original Sanskrit word mandala literally means “vital essence environment.” Its underlying idea is that our vital essence – call it mind, heart, soul, life energy – is really [...]
David Price Francis2022-12-15T21:02:14-05:00July 31st, 2021|Categories: Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Environmental Psychology, Sacred Geometry|
An ego-driven life is primarily personally based. Ego-based consciousness is rooted in lower vibration, self-serving energies. In contrast, geo-based consciousness reflects a planetary perspective and speaks of having a larger [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-19T07:57:04-05:00May 24th, 2016|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Green Design, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Architecture, Green, Green Design, Sacred Geometry|
Geodesic Dome Weather Resistant and highly cost and energy efficient, a geodesic dome might be the right home for you. These attractive and low maintenance homes are gaining popularity [...]