Spirit Animals of the Seasons
October – The Fox teaches us how to navigate situations smoothly, silently and with intelligence. Ever vigilant and awake, the fox shifts and adapts new strategies for survival with [...]
Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space
Renae Jensen2024-10-14T10:42:21-04:00October 14th, 2024|Categories: Magazine|Tags: Earth, Nature|
October – The Fox teaches us how to navigate situations smoothly, silently and with intelligence. Ever vigilant and awake, the fox shifts and adapts new strategies for survival with [...]
Renae Jensen2024-07-24T06:58:55-04:00July 24th, 2024|Categories: Magazine|Tags: Earth, Gardens, Green|
Soniashnyk – Sunflower Symbol of Hope The sunflower is embraced by Ukraine as national flower and a symbol of hope. Historically, the sunflower arrived in the country mid-18th century [...]
Andie SantoPietro2024-07-07T17:08:39-04:00July 7th, 2024|Categories: Magazine|Tags: Earth, Feng Shui|
The new 5D HUman: A Multidimensional Perspective on the Rise of Human Consciousness and Our Karmic Journey through the Shadow Side of the Current 3D World! Chapter 9 Excerpt: [...]
Leigh Tenore-Kyzer2024-07-07T17:07:59-04:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Magazine|Tags: Earth|
I have always been fascinated by birds of prey. Indeed they have held a fascination for most of humankind throughout history; their folklore crossing time, geography and culture. To [...]
Julie Hartman2023-12-02T14:07:51-05:00September 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Magazine|Tags: Earth, Personal Development|
As the scorching heat of summer mellows into the gentle warmth of autumn, the world around us undergoes a remarkable transformation. Trees shed their leaves, the days grow shorter, [...]
Renae Jensen2023-07-04T20:38:28-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Feng Shui, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The first Saturday of May is World Labyrinth Day. All around the world, people celebrate the labyrinth by “Walking as One at 1”. The is a celebration of unity and peace united [...]
Richard Creightmore2023-07-04T20:37:46-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The term Geopathic Stress is used to describe negative energies, also known as ‘harmful earth rays’, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living [...]
Renae Jensen2023-07-04T20:46:58-04:00February 28th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine|Tags: Earth|
Bloodstone is one of the stones for March. The dark green color has red spots (iron oxide) that resemble drops of blood. Bloodstone is also called Heliotrope, Christ’s Stone, [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T18:41:13-05:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Feng Shui|
This is a wonderful time to become reacquainted with the grounding and powerful benefits of Himalayan Salt Crystals. One of the world’s gifts, Himalayan Crystal Salt is a natural [...]
Tobias Kaye2022-12-15T19:01:04-05:00August 31st, 2022|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine|Tags: Earth, Sound|
An article written for Breathing Space a Devon based monthly Sounding Bowls are a unique and modern instrument used by performers as well as hospices and healing centres across the [...]