January, it is the beginning of the New Year, the perfect time to begin a “New You.”
I don’t know about you but come the first of January I am not always ready with my feet planted on the ground to start the new year running. I take a lesson from Feng Shui and tap into the wisdom of Chinese New Year.
Chinese Lunar New Year fluctuates depending on the cycles of the lunar calendar, falling somewhere between mid-January to mid-February. I love the traditions and the actions I take to create my fabulous feng shui grounded in positive intentions and actions. This year the lunar new year is January 22, plenty of time to get ready to create a 2023 filled with prosperity, good health and happiness. The benefit begins whenever you get started, so do not fret if you are reading this on 1/23 or even 2/1! Celebrate being present.
The good news, 2023 in Year of the Water Rabbit, there will be more opportunities for peace, communication, respect and understanding. This does not mean indifference; the Water Rabbit influence brings potential for solutions & change. “Potential” is the operative word. Without awareness, action & open minds, potential is not realized.
I refer to the space I spend the most time as my “living vision board.” This includes my home, my office and even my car!
Take a moment to look around and see what is happening in your space.
We have all experienced big changes in living our daily lives.
What is happening around you is impacting your actions whether you are aware or not.
Your space is having a conversation with your subconscious all the time – get involved in the conversation! Pause & notice how you are feeling where you are spending the most time. Make this a new habit!
Here are a few tips to get you started, I have a combined some of my tried-and-true tips with a few Chinese New Year traditions.
- Make a Plan – Create the Plan the Works for YOU. Be realistic in your goals, know how your true nature thrives best and go for it.
- Create Fabulous Firsts: What you see is what you become whether you are conscious of it or not. Notice how you feel, and create all your “Firsts” to feel “Fabulous”
- The first words you Think when you awake each day: think and feel sweet, positive words that are filled with love and gratitude to set your daily tone.
- Love it or Lose it: Keep only things which make you feel good. Clear out and de-clutter making room for new opportunities coming your way. Whether a drawer, your wallet or a closet, every little bit makes room for a little more. Your future is in the top shelves of your closets & cabinets. What’s going on there, make room for new beginnings.
- Clean for A Fresh Start – Everything is clear when you can see through your windows, all the light bulbs are working, and you see your beauty reflected in your mirrors. Wash your front door to create a fresh start and attract new opportunities. This is the perfect time to get a new welcome mat.
- A Bouquet of Fresh Flowers – Live blooming flowers represent rebirth and new beginnings. Feel alive by bringing in plants and flowers to inspire you to take action.
- Stock the fridge and cupboards with an abundance of fresh nutritious foods. A colorful fruit bowl connects your vibration to health and wellbeing. Oranges and tangerines represent money and prosperity; Apples symbolize good health and safety.
- Your Appearance, Your Actions, Your Attitudes, set the tone for the New Year – Create the vibration you want to attract. This is a practice which serves you well every day.
- Have Fun! When you are filled with love and laughter you are unstoppable!
This is just the beginning – to get the full scoop how to benefit from the Water Rabbit & Chinese New Year, learn the areas to boost, the areas in your home & office to stabilize plus so much more join me for a fun informative webinar Sunday January 15 at 11:00 am – 1 pm.
Register here: https://bit.ly/CNY2023WaterRabbitTicket
Questions? lois@loiskramerperez.com
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt. – a catalyst to inspire you to seek and create new possibilities in your life. Feng shui your space and your soul. Visit www.loiskramerperez.com for your free gift.