My True Life/Death Experience and How Feng Shui Saved My Life

I never considered that “Spring Cleaning” would be a Feng Shui mastery practice or at the root of creating balance and harmony. Our Grandmothers practiced this deep cleaning every Spring – washing, flipping mattresses, and going into each nook and cranny of a home. I never like house cleaning and so I conveniently sidestepped this entire tradition.

The practice of Spring Cleaning is found in each culture as they move from the dark winter, into the fresh beginning of the year. The ancient practice was called Nowruz “shaking down the house” included washing blankets, clothes and deep cleaning. This ancient tradition also called khāne-takānī. Included the washing of clothes, blankets, and textiles, and deep cleaning.

I discovered Feng Shui in the 1990’s, and continue to learn, practice, teach and incorporate this practice every day.

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

I have hosted several International Feng Shui conferences, the first Feng Shui Fashion Show, and continue to evolve and grow with this art of “wind and water”. My studies included clutter clearing and space clearing.

Yet, it was not until February 2024, that I can say that I truly understand Feng Shui, and got to connect with the Feng Shui Masters at the deepest level. I didn’t know that I was suffering from a disease called autoimmune encephalitis, a very rare form. I actually have no memory of any of that period. From October 2023 – through February 2024 I was in and out of the hospital, over 6-8 weeks in a hospital bed on death’s doorway. I don’t remember who came to visit – or that my husband Chris held my hand in emergency for 12 hours; yet I know my I was brought back into life. After months of seizures, we found Penn Medicine, at the University of Pennsylvania and the specialist there saved my life and I returned home Feb 28 with hope and a recovery plan.

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

Once back in my home, I became driven to reset the house. Yes, I had done all the traditional Feng Shui cures and adjustments to align with the energy. I was compelled to address the house in a very deep and intimate way. If you have studied Feng Shui, you would understand that our homes are a template and expression of our bodies. We are a soul, with a body, we wear clothing as a layer, and our homes are our next layer. The bedroom has a huge influence on us, because that is where we trust enough to close our eyes, become vulnerable, and have our most intimate experiences. The basement or the lower level of a wall represents the past. The main floor, or the center of a wall (up to eye level) is present time. Above the main floor, the second floor and up, plus the top of the wall represents the future. Each direction and area also represents life expressions.

I had an empty office downstairs on basement level ( love/relationship gua) and it had filled with clutter while I was in the hospital. I wanted to honor that space and designate it for my Dr. Jensen to use for his work. Yes, clutter is on the first line of offense/defense. I booked an appointment with the professional carpet cleaners – forcing myself to have a deadline. All carpeted areas would be addressed, including the lower unused office space. I was not able to lift or pick up anything, so I tagged each item: donate, discard, move, etc. and hired a local person to come and move everything from the room. I thanked each and everyone that participated in this deep process for me and told them that they were a part of my healing and I was grateful.

The carpet cleaning was addressing and cleaning out all of the old past energy, including some dead beetles that were lodged in to the corners. All areas rugs were also cleaned. This old energy is dense and creates a daily drain on us.

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

Next, I hired the window cleaners: Windows represent the eyes and clarity, both of deep concern to me during this healing process. I live in a home with large windows, and the professional window cleaning was like taking off sunglasses and looking at the light.

The process continued as I went down my list – Next was the fireplace – where we discovered a slight crack in the flue and the top of the chimney having some deterioration. Fire and Fame needed to be secured.

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

The biggest revelation was when I brought in the Duct Cleaning company. My husband said we did not need this, as our roof had never leaked, and we should be fine. They discovered 99 percent mold in the attic; mold that had infiltrated every duct and moving its way all down through the house systems. That required an entire replacement of the air system in our home, and it saved our lives. My feelings on mold are that is a lower vibration – and is brought in by many things: environmental, negative energy, modern building practices, and even the dense wifi/internet messaging that passes through every day 24 hours a day. I can relate it to the movie “The Never Ending Story”. The attic which represents the future was cleaned and cleared as well as the air supply to the home (body).

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

I have a wonderful person that helps with home cleaning. She is trusted and spiritual. I asked her to dust and polish all the furniture tops, with love and prayers.

We continue to tune up the home as I am watching both myself and my husband’s physical issues elevate and heal. Today I honor and recognize the wisdom of the lineage of Spring Cleaning. I am grateful to my team of Feng Shui Warriors that did the deep surgical work on my home.

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters

As a professional Feng Shui & Conscious Design consultant, I am recommending to all my clients, friends and family that they do the deep cleaning work first before they decide to hang crystals and adjust colors and decorating. Prosperity, Relationships, Health – all of what we desire must be addressed from the core. We would not put clean clothes on a dirty body. How effective would it be to place a beautiful crystal on a dusty shelf in a cluttered and dirty room.

Are you ready to go deep? It is through my own living process that I experienced the true power of Feng Shui and the living connection we have to our homes. Grandma was right!

Humbly yours and Always Learning,
Renae Jensen

Grandma was right! The Most Powerful Feng Shui Masters