Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space

Rammed Earth Building – An Ancient Technique for our Modern World

2022-12-15T20:21:38-05:00December 1st, 2021|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Green Design, Magazine|Tags: , , |

The ancient building techniques called “ Rammed Earth” is one of the oldest construction methods known to man. Evidence traces it as far back on the human timeline as 8000 [...]

Green Design in Commercial Environments

2022-12-15T20:26:25-05:00August 31st, 2021|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Empowered Interior Design, Green Design, Magazine|Tags: , , |

Graceful Lifestyles™ Goes Green for Corporate America Going Green is all the rage these days, but for Graceful Lifestyles Designers, it is a seamless marriage between two design perspectives. [...]

The 7 Things Addressed by Wellness-Focused Interior Design

2022-12-15T21:04:29-05:00May 3rd, 2021|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Green Design, Magazine|Tags: , , |

An Introduction to the WELL Building Standard We have long known that interior design and architecture shapes human behavior. It's become very evident in more recent years that it [...]

The Why & How Of Biophilic (Nature-Inspired) Design

2022-12-15T21:07:55-05:00February 28th, 2021|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Green Design, Magazine|Tags: , , , |

10 Ways to Bring the Benefits of Nature Indoors The Biophilic Buzz I’m sure many of you have been hearing the increasingly popular healthy design buzzword: biophilia. [...]

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