Meeting the Dragon
So, we enter the year of the Dragon and many will have already felt the change in energy and noticed the rise in Dragon awareness and mythology. Many too [...]
Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space
Sandy Humby2024-02-07T20:29:38-05:00February 4th, 2024|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
So, we enter the year of the Dragon and many will have already felt the change in energy and noticed the rise in Dragon awareness and mythology. Many too [...]
Lois Kramer Perez2023-11-20T06:01:29-05:00October 31st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Feng Shui, Magazine|Tags: Personal Development|
Here we are in the month of November, a time of harvest, sharing & gratitude. As I look around enjoying the shift in seasons, taking in the magic of [...]
Stephen Sainato2023-11-01T10:13:42-04:00October 31st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine|Tags: Energetics, Personal Development|
An incredible power to shape our reality dwells within each of us and once awakened, we can create and manifest miracles in the direction of our dreams. The Sacred [...]
Renae Jensen2023-11-20T06:02:35-05:00October 31st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Feng Shui, Magazine|Tags: Energetics, Personal Development|
I would like to share a very special ceremony with all of you. My daughter Heather was married this past September 2023 and she asked me to perform a [...]
Julie Hartman2023-12-02T14:07:51-05:00September 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Magazine|Tags: Earth, Personal Development|
As the scorching heat of summer mellows into the gentle warmth of autumn, the world around us undergoes a remarkable transformation. Trees shed their leaves, the days grow shorter, [...]
Lois Kramer Perez2023-12-02T14:08:41-05:00September 1st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine|Tags: Personal Development|
You have an inner power, a pure essence of who you truly are, deep at your core. As life happens, you may have forgotten that part of you, or [...]
Lois Kramer Perez2023-12-02T14:09:07-05:00July 31st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine|Tags: Personal Development|
One word, one thought, one breath, can bring big inspiration. The month of August brings a feeling of a settling pause, “Prana” feels just right. Settle in and venture [...]
Mara2023-07-04T20:41:13-04:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Featured Articles, Magazine|Tags: Energetics, Green|
An increasing number of people aim to travel sustainably. Chances are you are one of them, after all, you are reading this blog article at the moment. Maybe this [...]
Renae Jensen2023-07-04T20:38:28-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Feng Shui, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The first Saturday of May is World Labyrinth Day. All around the world, people celebrate the labyrinth by “Walking as One at 1”. The is a celebration of unity and peace united [...]
Richard Creightmore2023-07-04T20:37:46-04:00April 30th, 2023|Categories: Energy Fields and Energetics, Magazine, Sacred Geometry, Space Clearing|Tags: Earth, Energetics, Sacred Geometry|
The term Geopathic Stress is used to describe negative energies, also known as ‘harmful earth rays’, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living [...]